Attributes of the Sikhs as Described in Jang Namah by Qazi Nur Muhammad

Gurmeet Singh Sandhu
5 min readAug 26, 2020


The Afghan King, Ahmed Shah Abdali invaded India nine times and during those invasions he was harassed by Sikhs who attacked his convoy, divested him of his plunder and on many occasions rescued and released captured women from his entourage. On his seventh invasion of India from 1764/65, Ahmad Shah was accompanied by Qazi Nur Muhammad who recorded the King’s journey, battles and expedition to India in a book written in Persian called ‘Jang Namah’. Even though the author has used pejorative epithets to refer to Sikhs, he has however, dedicated one chapter to describe their positive attributes, mannerisms and military skills. It is interesting to read about the Sikhs and their traits from outside sources. Dr. Ganda Singh translated the original text from Persian and published the English translation in 1939. Following is the chapter that describes his encounter with the Sikhs as taken from Dr. Ganda Singh’s book.

“Section XLI (pp. 156–159) On the Bravery of the Dogs in a Religious War and in general.

Do not call them dogs (the Sikhs) ‘ dogs because they are lions, and are courageous like lions in the field of battle. How can a hero, who roars like a lion in the field of battle, be called a dog. If you wish to learn the art of war, come face to face with them in the field. They will demonstrate it to you in such a way that one and all will praise them for it. If you wish to learn the science of war, O swordsman, learn from them how to face an enemy like a hero and to get safely out of an action.

Singh is a title [a form of address for them]. It is not justice to call them dogs. If you do not know the Hindustani language [I tell you that], the word Singh means a Lion. Truly they are like lions in battle, and at the time of peace they surpass Hatim. When they take the Indian sword in their hands, they overrun the country from Hind [-ostan, meaning Northern India] to Sind. Nobody then stands in opposition to them, however much strong he may be. When they manipulate the spear they shatter the ranks of the enemy, and when they raise the heads of their spears into the sky, they would pierce even through the Caucasus. When they adjust the strings of their Chachi bows and place in them the enemy-killing arrows and pull the strings to their ears, the body of the enemy begins to shiver with fear. When their battle-axe falls upon the armour of their opponents, that armour becomes their coffin. The body of every one of them is like the piece of a rock, and, in physical grandeur, every one of them is more than fifty persons. It is said that Bahram-Gore killed wild asses and set the lions shrieking. But if Bahram were to come face to face with them, even he would bow before them.

During a battle when they take their guns in their hands, they come jumping into the field of action, roaring like lions. They tear the chests of many and shed the blood of several [of their enemy] in the dust. It is said that the musket is a weapon of the ancient days. It, however, appears to be the creation of these dogs rather than of the great Socrates. Although there are so many of the tufangchis (musketeers), but nobody can excel them in its use. To the right and to the left, and in front and towards the back, they go on firing regularly. If you do not believe in what I say, you may enquire of the brave swordsmen who would tell you more than myself and would praise them for their fighting.

The fact that they grappled with thirty thousand heroes bears witness to my statement. If their armies take to flight, do not take it as an actual flight. It is a war tactic of theirs. Beware, beware of them for a second time. The object of this trick is that when the furious enemy runs after them, he is separated from his main army and from his reinforcements. Then they turn back to face their pursuers and set fire even to water. Did you not see how, during the fight, they took to a deceptive flight from before the Khan, and how, then, they turned back on him and surrounded him on all sides. The Khan then came down from his horse and flung arrows and bullets at them and with bravery extricated himself from their midst.

You may yourself judge, O brave man, how a single battalion of theirs rushed upon Multan, entered the city and devastated it and carried away an immense booty. I am not sufficiently strong in mind to be able to express what the dogs did there. Since the creation of the world nobody remembers to have seen Multan devastated in this way at the hands of anybody. But because God so willed it, every one of us has to submit to His Will. Leaving aside their mode of fighting, hear you another point in which they excel all other fighting people. In no case would they slay a coward, nor would they put an obstacle in the way of a fugitive. They do not plunder the wealth and ornaments of a woman, be she a well to- do lady or a maid-servant. There is no adultery amongst these dogs, nor are these mischievous people given to thieving. Whether a woman is young or old, they call her a Buddhiya, and ask her to get out of the way. The word Buddhiya in the Indian language means “an old lady”. There is no thief at all amongst these dogs, nor is there any house-breaker born amongst these miscreants. They do not make friends with adulterers and house-breakers, though their behaviour on the whole is not commendable. If you are not conversant with their religion, I tell you that the Sikhs are the disciples of the Guru and that, that august Guru lived at Chak [Amritsar]. The ways and manners of these people received their impetus from Nanak who shewed these Sikhs a separate path (taught them a distinct religion). He was succeeded by Govind Singh. From him they received the title of Singh. They are not from amongst the Hindus. These miscreants have a separate religion of their own. Now that you have become familiar with the behaviour of the Sikhs, you may also hear something about their country. They have divided the Punjab amongst themselves and have bestowed it upon every young and old man.”





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